Saturday, November 22, 2008

TV - "Navy Divers"

“Navy Divers”

Aired on the ABC (Channel 2- Australia)
It’s a series about the selection & training of a group of young sailors in the Royal Australian Navy undertaking one of the toughest courses in the Australian Defence Forces – Clearance Diver or “Bubblie’s”!
It’s not at all bad and when the DVD comes out I may re-watch it as the format currently being aired as weekly in half hour blocks, which IS a prime "pisser" and suxs, my jolly ‘ole fat one merrily NOT!
Heh heh he…

Anyway these clearance divers ARE the special forces of “Pussers” (The Navy) and similar to the US. Navy’s SEAL (Sea.Air.Land) Teams in operation.
I recommend it if you see it on DVD.
Brother…wid’ BALLS dat’ big…how do they walk?”
ANY way they like!

As I grow older , I regret to say that a detestable habit
of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me.
- H. Rider Haggard

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