Traveled down to Victoria for the Avalon Air Show near Geelong last week.
Flew and was a quick trip of an hour, unfortunately the weather was against my mate and I sooo we got there and after a good mile walk across a dirt field covered in rabbit shit, we were searched for "Alcohol" and let in by private security apes.
The rain started and didn't let up, clouds came right down to the deck and I couldn't see how they were going to have a flying program as ya could only see take offs & bloody landings!
There were a series of tents for businesses tied up in Aviation and defence hawking their wares so we had a lot to see re the latest military tech and the usual ADF dispays of equipment to stare at.
I was pissed off by the lack of cover and due to the inceasing downpour it was starting to get very unplesent walking around soaked to the skin.
We ended up leaving early as the weather was getting worse...bummer but it for me WAS a day out and an adventure of sorts!
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