Ahh crap I'm STILL Sick...Bet it's pig Flu too!
Been like this for a week...Blame a certain known fag named Boy Bastard! -
Read: Scum of the earth (A pox upon you!).
Been trying to post blogs from email but unable for sum fucked reason so back to do this way.
Fucking TV break is about to descend down here in Aust...No good Telly for a bloody while...Bastards! The breaks don't even make sense like or follow big networks in the USA even.
Given up trying to figure out why we must wait on shows that have already been screened in the USA and in some cases have finished and we are yet to catch up...yet alone see the final episodes...Point in case is Dexter Season 3, Battlestar Galacticia Season 4 0 or 4.5 (the second lot of final season episodes), "Weeds" (not returned yet) are to name a few.
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