Friday, July 2, 2010

Latest Thoughts - Winter Notes

Well winter-time here in Oz, and here at Warrawong, NSW we are down to 5 degrees C. at night.
Got the Digital TV set up and got a PVR so no more pesky VCR tapes!
Just buy season 2 True Blood and loved it, season three in the USA is nearly over, so who knows WHEN we will get it here to buy?

"Lost" final was a BIG disappointment & sucked BIG time.

There still showing "Trauma" here but heard on net it has been shit-canned, what a waste of some fine actor's talents and so far great scripts, bloody yank TV makers just can't seem to listen to the public, as it seemed popular, according to on-line polls.

With the DTV here, I spent my time with Channels GO! & 7Two and have seen some ripper stuff.

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