Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rescue Me

Just finishing watching Season 4 of the hit U.S T.V Drama "Rescue Me" (Having bought seasons 1 thu 4 on DVD) starring yank comedian Dennis Leary, who plays a New York Firefighter and it a bloody beaut show, full of action-drama-funny stuff and a bit of filth to boot!
This main character Tommy Gavin, a 20 year veteran, and after 9-11, is carrying around repressed feelings about this, resulting in all sorts of crap going on in his life, both on & off the job.
 He's haunted by the ghosts of his dead fire-fighters buddies and later even his own brother, along with all the drama and humour of him boozing and ballin' any number of women.
 We are currently about two seasons behind, currently season 4 was only released here in Australia last week, so I don't know WHEN I'll be about to enjoy any more.
 I've just read Season 7 will be the last in 2011, with the final season's episode to be shown on the 10 th anniversary of 9-11.
Do ya self a favor...see it sport fans...It's a hoot & good T.V!
Ah...Firey's...puttin' DA wet stuff on DA red stuff! (or somethin' like dat!)

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