Sunday, February 5, 2012

Words And Reliance NOT!

On my Google + page I am subscribed to some very insightful people including this one.

Sharing her post, as no truer words have ever been so artfully articulated in a post that I've seen, till now...

Believe me or go suck a raw lemon!

Note In MY case, I can say at least I can count on both my "paws" the people WHO I can count on, I learn't that during my medical misfortunes last year.

Unfortunately you do learn some VERY unpleasant "home truths" about your "inner circle" too!
Having said that I'm NOT bitter...just a late realist and sharing some thoughts.


No one I know is reliable. Isn’t that sad? And the worse part is when a person only engages in...:
No one I know is reliable. Isn’t that sad? And the worse part is when a person only engages in conversation with you or seems interested in you , when they’re bored and need time to fill and the person they really care about isn’t around. Empty promises. Useless souls.

I’m too used to this.

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