Wednesday, September 3, 2008

TV - Dexter

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Dexter – A Different T.V Series! It’s NOT C.S.I

Dexter is a ‘blood spatter expert’ for the Miami Dade PD.
’Dex’ is also a killer but only targets the criminals!

This is a great show that's SURE to VERY popular.

Their most notable character (next to "Dexie"), is a great supporting actor Erik King
who plays a detective who sees Dexter a little differently and is out to prove that Dex is bent!

Sergeant James Doakes
who’s ex special forces and he’s he acts like a P.G rated version of Gunny R. Lee Ermey on ice!

Doakes is one mean nasty bastard, who is still "amusing" in a kinda
"gotta rip off dat scab cuz I gotta!" ...if ya know what I mean.

"Dexter Episode 1" (2006)

Doakes: "You give me the fucking creeps, you know that Dexter"?
Dexter: "Yeah, I know, sorry about that".

Dexter "Waiting to Exhale" (2007)

Angel: "You want me to knock on some doors?"
Doakes: "...Or maybe some heads?"

Dexter "Seeing Red" (2006)

Debra: "Dexter, heads up...bad in there"
Dexter: "Ok"
Deb: "I'm Serious!"
Dexter: "Ok"
Doakes: "She's NOT kidding...It's your wet dream in there"
Dexter: "Okay"

Great Viewing!

"Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time
you most need to be by yourself.
Life's cruelest irony."

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